額額!!!我是一個天蠍的男人,而女友就是一個獅子!!!哈哈個人攪得假如你尊重獅子座的女生,她也尊重你!!!獅子座的女人都鐘意名牌的!!!(我女友也不例外吧)獅子座的女人很喜歡找人訴苦的,這一時刻你就要用天蠍男人最誘人的地方盯著她(誘人的地方時眼睛哦)我攪得天蠍和獅子講話的時刻沒啥話題的!!!由於我是天蠍的男人,我瞭解天蠍的人都把事情告知別人!!!這個你時候你務必要和找出話題吧!!!不然2個都不說話。。唉!!!獅子座的女人很喜愛消費花錢,花錢對獅子來說是一種享受吧 ,但她從不來不會找男朋友要錢的這便是我和俺的獅子座女朋友8個月的經歷吧,喜歡你能夠幫到你
假如越過瞭道德的底線,那麼這段感情大體上就是完結瞭,一丁點挽回的餘地都沒有,由於獅子座的人還非誠的倔強,在和獅子座相處的過程裡其實也就是說還是比較舒心的,獅子座的人不能去斤斤計較,假如是女生的話,他們斷然不會那麼矯情,一點都不任性,所以和獅子座的女生交往,務必要珍惜這來自不易的感情,由於錯過瞭就是一 生,挽回是肯定不可以的事情。
一個人隻有好的品行,才能夠在這樣一個社會上有一番作為,第3個才是有些外在因素,其實也就是說也是可以忽視不計的,當我們明 白瞭感情的來之不易,才會明天其實也就是說這才是上天最美的安排,放下本人的任性,珍惜眼前人。由於來生不一定能夠遇見,我們就好好珍惜這 一生吧!!!
1、 Be open
1、 放開一點兒
Are you an open person by nature? If yes then it’ll be a great advantage for your relationship with a Leo woman。 She quickly becomes emotionally connected with her significant other and it seems that you know each other for ages already, when in fact you have been dating for a few days only。 She’s frank and she doesn’t hide anything from people she loves。 Therefore, such a woman needs a boyfriend who’d always say what he thinks。
2、 Don’t be a homebody
2、 不要做“傢庭婦男”
Most Leo women are not couch potatoes。 They like parties, entertainment and outdoor activities。 They enjoy traveling and do it frequently。
Leo women avoid men who spend a lot of time watching TV because this boring activity is not for them。
3、 Praise her
3、 表揚她
Leo women just adore to be appreciated, especially by their partners。 If you want to make her happy, compliment and praise her as often as possible。
As she’s a lion, she wants to be sure about her successfully high status and it means you should remind her about it all the time。 Try to remember about all those embraces, kisses, looks and lovely words you said to your Leo girlfriend and maybe she won’t bite you then。
4、 Don’t waste your time
4、 不要浪費時間
Women of this sign don’t like when a man wastes time, money and efforts。 She always knows what you do and wants you to work on a relationship as much as possible。 Leo women appreciate time and have trouble doing things that they consider useless, which is why they never let their partners relax。
5、 Spread positivity
5、 傳播積極正能量
Positive attitude towards the whole world is all about Leo women。 They don’t like to be around negative people。 Try to avoid talking about problems or difficulties – yes, couples should share their problems but Leo women can’t stand it。
If you date a Leo woman, ask about her dreams and wishes at least once a week。 Try to make your Leo girlfriend visualize colorful, happy pictures as this is highly important in your relationship。 Share your positivity with her and you’ll get even more in return。
6、 Don’t even look at other women
6、 不要看其他女人
There’s no woman in the world who’d be more jealous than a Leo。 They are extremely careful about all other women you have in your surrounding。 Be ready to give her all the information about your colleagues, friends and every person of weaker sex you know in general。
全地球沒有比獅子女的嫉妒心更強的女人瞭。她們對你周圍的 女人都會萬般小心。要準備好給她關於同事,朋友和你所知道的全部女性的信息。
Don’t even think to look at any other girl, even unintentionally。 It’ll make her crazy and you’ll remember this lesson for the rest of your life。 So if you want to avoid injuries and fights, stay away from others in a relationship with this woman。
7、 Show your love
7、 表達你的愛
You’ll never keep this wild girl close to you without loving her and showing your love on a daily basis。 She craves smiles, compliments and warm feelings。
She needs to know that you can’t live without her。 Otherwise, she may start hesitating wher your relationship is worth or not。
8、 Make her believe in herself
8、 讓她相信自己
Leo women need to have a constant reminder of their uniqueness。 You should make her believe that everything she does is exclusively awesome。
It’s so indeed but if you don’t mention this fact quite often, she stops doing anything at all。 Give your Leo that necessary inspiration and encouragement she needs。
Leo women are perfect wives and lovely mothers。 They choose their partners carefully so you should be a really attentive and lovely person in this kind of relationship。
Fortunately, you have these several clues that’ll help you win your Leo girl’s heart。 What trait in your Leo partner do you like most?